General Assembly: Tech Tools for the Art World: Panel Discussion

General Assembly: Tech Tools for the Art World: Panel Discussion

The past decade of technological advances has provided tools to expedite and simplify everyday life. With these changes it has become more important than ever for artists to utilize these tools to find creative solutions in presenting their work; dramatically changing the way artists interact with the community, and their art object. 

Please join us for a thoughtful panel discussion moderated by Annika Connor, which will focus on the place of technology as an alternative vehicle for creating, promoting, showing, and selling art. Artists are no longer confined to the studio or gallery. New media has become crucial to an artists identity and exciting in-studio tools now deliver innovative ways to capture and create artwork. Come learn with us about these exciting new tools, as this panel will be illuminating to artists, tech developers, and collectors alike!

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Featured Panelists

  • Tucker Neel:

    Vice President of GYSY-Ink & a Los Angeles based artist, freelance writer, & independant curator.
  • Jonathan Munar:

    Manager of Digital Media and Strategy at Art21.
  • Dogan Perese:

    Founder and CEO of Gallerist.
  • Caroline Green:

    Partner and Director of Business Development at IvanExpert.